Thursday, September 10, 2015

Proposal for Opinion Editorial

               This is basically the same exact thing as my last post. Instead of a free write though, it is a proposal. But yeah. Basically the same thing only more boring. 
               My proposed topic for my opinion editorial is whether or not it is legal and/or moral to refuse marriage licenses to gay couple because of your religious beliefs. My claim will be that it is not legal nor moral to deny someone their right to be married just because they are gay and do things that are not in correspondence to the way another individual believes. My reasons will be that is illegal in the United States, and touching on the issue on a moral or ethical stance, it isn’t very Christian for Christians to be discriminatory towards people who do not share their beliefs, or to any one in that matter.
                The United States Supreme Court has declared it unconstitutional to deny the right of marriage to gay couples. For someone to do so, claiming that it goes against what they believe in as far as their religion, does not excuse you from respecting the liberties of others. Touching on this will be using Logos.
                Christians above all should be accepting and loving in all conditions. Because someone uses their agency to choose a different life style than you would choose for your self does not give any Christian any kind of authority to deny that persons agency. I think this particular issue will be using ethos and pathos.

                I think this is a good paper topic because it is kairotic. A story on this exact issue was just on the news, and there has been lots of chatter on this topic because of how recent the Supreme Court decision was. My paper will be able to add to the discussion going on about gay and religious rights. 

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