Wednesday, September 2, 2015

About Me

I swore I would never write a blog.
But here we go.

I'm not the best at introductions, and I am not the most interesting person, but hopefully I can make this interesting enough

I was born in Colorado but have lived in good ol' Provo Utah for most of my life, and have absolutely loved it. Provo is a  good place to be.

Views from my beautiful home town.

I graduated from Provo High School, (literally just across the street) and absolutely loved that as well! I played golf and basketball all four years. My golf team was really good, we won two state championships. My basketball team however, was not so good. But we always had a good time!

The question, "What kind of music do you like?" always stumps me. My family always makes fun of me when I am playing my music on shuffle and the songs that come on will range from The Black Keys to Backstreet Boys, to Taylor Swift, to Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong, to The Milk Carton Kids (folk) to Lucius (indie singer/songwriter) to ABBA. So literally anything that I think sounds good.

 My taste in movies is the same. I love Hot Rod and Nacho Libre, but I also love some great foreign films like Children of Heaven and Amelie.

I love to travel and have been fortunate enough to get to travel to quite a few places with my family. Probably my two favorite travel adventures I have been hiking through the Andes to  Machu Picchu, and living in London for 2 months.

I'm one of those people that often suffers from "resting brat face" to put in nicely, so if I seem like I'm angry or in a bad mood, I'm probably not. It's just my face. Most of my friends thought I hated them initially because of my previously stated condition, but I don't hate any one, I promise! So don't be scared of me.

I have not decided on a major. So, yeah. I will probably be one of those people who somehow end up graduated with out ever declaring a major, and then I can just be like, "Pretty much I can do anything. Hire me." and employers will be like, "Um, no."

Any way, that's me!


  1. The view in the pictures you took are beautiful! I also haven't declared a major, maybe in 4 years we'll know :)

  2. Haha Hannah I also suffer from the "resting brat face" or at least my mom always said that I did.

  3. When I read your comment "I swore I'd never write a blog" it cracked me up. Never imagined myself writing one either. That's cool you played golf. I'll have to show you a video my mom loves of me missing the ball like ten times when I was teeing off.

  4. Ha, I love the "I'd never write a blog" comment as well! That trip to Machu Picchu looks like a blast! I'd love to go there. I've only seen pictures. I bet it's an entirely different experience actually being there.

  5. That's awesome that you played basketball and golf! I played basketball for a couple years while in high school!
